A new article by Adam Pažout, Michael Eisenberg and Gregor Staab was published in the last issue of Israel Exploration Journal.
The article presents an Inscription deciphered on an unpublished milestone found on the north-eastern shore of the Sea of Galilee in the 1990’s.
The reading revealed that the milestone is dated to the reign of Maximinus Thrax, 235-238 CE.
The context in which it was found, next to remains of a roman road in the Bethsaida Valley and c. 200 m from the Sea of Galilee shore, suggests an alternative route for the road that run through the valley. The proposed course of the road gives new insight into the controversy regarding identification of the Roman Bethsaida-Julias.
Adam Pažout, Michael Eisenberg and Gregor Staab: A Roman Milestone from the Northeastern Shore of the Sea of Galilee, IEJ 70/2 (2020), pp. 215-220